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December 24, 2010

How to Create a Captain Jack Sparrow Pirate Costume

Captain Jack (played by Johnny Depp) is a fella who knows how to turn some of his booty into very stylish accessories. From the beads in his hair to the slouch of his boots, one might say the pirate's in the details!

  1. Find a shirt made of a light, gauzy fabric in white with a loose fit.
  2. See if you have any jeans or cotton twill pants in beige, brown, or deep wine in your closet.
  3. Buy a long sleeveless vest in wine or deep blue.
  4. Tie a blood-red hair scarf or bandanna around your forehead and secure low, at the nape of your neck.
  5. Try and find a purchased hat with dreadlocks attached to it, as it provides the most authentic look.
  6. Select a few of the dreadlocks and crisscross-tie them with red string.
  7. Add bits of bone, silver beads, and/or a small feather to the hat/hair.
  8. Wear the key to the chest of Davy Jones around your neck. This key is an antique green color and has the unique double prong; you can always use whatever you can find.
  9. Add a silver skull ring to copy the one Jack wears around his neck on a leather cord. A deep forest green stone surrounded with many tiny little skulls is ideal, and you're more than likely to find something similar at Hot Topic.
  10. Add a fake cutlass, a sword and a flintlock pistol for your weapons.
  11. Get a compass that resembles that mysterious compass everyone is after.
  12. Remember, that unlike a typical compass, north is not the direction it points, instead directing you toward the thing you most desire.
  13. Put everything on and you are ready to be Jack Sparrow.
Captain Jack Sparrow won't look complete without the make-up. So check out the video below, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) Makeup Tutorial.

  • If purchasing a white men’s shirt, go one size larger than you would normally choose and leave the top 3-4 buttons undone.
  • How to make a rigged compass: Open up the bottom and attach to the needle a rather large disk, which will take the place of a circular section of the bottom of the box. Then, just carve out a little niche in one part of the little disk/wheel in the bottom. Now you should be able to spin the needle with your finger!
  • Feeling creative? Add a little magnetic bead or bearing above the wheel instead of attaching the disk to the needle. Have it so that the disk can be pushed up, as to lodge the little ball into place. With this, you can jiggle the compass a little, then secure it in a direction of your choosing.
  • Even more creative ~ wear a cheap ring made from steel. Using a bar magnet, rub the ring along the magnet for a minute or two to transfer magnetism to the ring. Hold the compass in the hand with the gimmicked ring. It will take some practice, but you should be able to move the ring around and cause the compass to turn. (Some machine shops ~ especially grinders ~ also have special equipment to add or remove magnetic fields from tools - you could always ask around).
  • Make sure all the weapons you carry around are fake. Try and have something on them to prove that, just in case someone starts asking questions.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Create a Captain Jack Sparrow Pirate Costume. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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